Monday, 26 May 2008

Shot03: Grade Test

Had a little look at more subtle desaturations and the tiniest amount of fl glow (and i mean tiny). trying to get a bleached sky look and only keep slight hints of colour in the buildings and foreground foliage.



cheers ol

Thursday, 22 May 2008

texture teasers

some teasers of the textured tank, thinking of changing the colour to a dark grey...


Plan 'o' distruction...

Thurs-Fri 23 - Texture the tank 'o' destruction
Sat-Sun 25 - Light tests and animation
Mon-Fri 30 - Apply to tracked footage and begin render passes

Then hopefully leave 5-6 days from SOLID COMP!

laters, ol

things to do

1) Resolve edit (Fri 23rd)

2) Track shots needed (Fri 23rd)

3)Model Wall (Sat 24th)

4)Break up in Max (Sat 24th)

5)Bgeo simulation in Houdini (Tues 27th)

6)Texture Wall Break up (Wed 28th)

7)Add Fluid Smoke Sim plus wall as collision object (Fri 30th)

8)Make matte replacement of inner wall + track (sat/sun 31st/1st)

9)Light Matching (Sun-Tues 1st-3rd)

10)Test Render + Test Comp (Sun-Tues 1st-3rd)

11)Start final Comp + Practical Effects (Tues-Fri 2nd-6th)

Friday, 9 May 2008

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Texture Time... MAW HAA HAA!

Here are a few examples of the textures that i will be applying to my tank, there is a wealth of rusty metal and rivet style textures online at sites like and such.

Can't wait to start applying them, Oli.

The wheels on the tank go round & round

Its ALIVE! After much frustration with the re-directing of point normals and many sweep and copy sops later, the shermanator now has motion... This animation is only for demonstration purposes and the speed can be changed to meet specific needs but it works and looks good. The suspension can be tweaked but only by keyframes so as an added extra i could rig up the suspension to react automatically, but only if i have time.

The model is now finished and ready for texturing, watch this 'space'

Till next time, keep on tracking, Oli '_'


Sunday, 4 May 2008

The Tank

The early renders working up to the 90% finished model, modeled in Houdini 9. Stay tuned for final model and texture. The next few steps are as follows:

- Finish Model
- Texture Model
- Rig Caterpillars
- Animation tests

Then i can drop this bad boy in any composition for maximum effect, BOYAH!

Cheers, Oli

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Thursday, 24 April 2008

Friday, 18 April 2008

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Location Ideas

1) Corfe Castle

2) Salisbury Streets

3) Winton/B'mouth high street

4) Merryfield Parkin in Sopley

will try and post some pics soon

Week Two

time to get our blog on!